House and hill
Hot hot!! – Scalping out the market for dinner
Dinner – We stopped in a small village just outside Dali to take some photos of the lake and buy dinner of fish, watermelon, Vodka (6 Yuen), and sunflower seeds.
Surface of the moon – We stopped at an amazing quarry to camp after negotiating a price with the land owners for camping a fire wood (free)
Barbeque at its best – In the middle of nowhere, under a cloudless sky, drinking cheap vodka, listening to Johnny Cash on Barts Ipod.
Destination Leijang – Setting of for another day on the road.
Probably the only picture you’ll see on this site that Ian took – Road was so good I took a photo of it
We came, we saw, I conquered (Bart had a nap) – Ok, I didn’t climb the one with snow on it but the one next to it, solo!
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