Trip to Barcelona from eyaeya on Vimeo.
Trip to Barcelona
Ten wpis został opublikowany w kategorii movies, on the road, small trips, travel i oznaczony tagami barcelona, catalunya. Dodaj zakładkę do bezpośredniego odnośnika.
Trip to Barcelona from eyaeya on Vimeo.
Created by Bart Pogoda in 1997.
At first as a very simple website edited in notepad on lousy PC-machine.
In 2000 whole blog was born again under the new domain "".
I was transforming this blog and my life during last years. I was a traveler, blogger, photographer, travel guide, filmmaker, director and finally husband + father.
I am based in Warsaw, Poland but I work worldwide.
Big thanks to Adam Wojtkiewicz, who is the main fixer, programmer and doctor of this website.